Sabtu, 24 Januari 2009

Biofuel Development in Indonesia

Bambang Prastowo, Indonesian Center for Estate Crops Research and Development
Fosil fuel resources in the world and also in Indonesia ha decreased day by day, while the demand of the fuel has grown higher from time to time. In line with the Indonesia economic growth, demand for national energy has grown very high. In order to guarantee the security of domestic supply of energy and support the sustainable development, President Regualtion No. 5/2006 determined that targeted biofuel in national consumption energy is more than 5 % in the year 2025. The vision of biofuel development then is poverty alleviation and job creation through development of biofuel as alternative energy to increase people welfare, with the mission : creating job, starting from feedstock supply, industry, infrastructure and biofuel development activities, increasing the community independency in providing energy through the development of energy self sufficient villages, increasing the role of private sector through the the development of special biofuel zones, and regulalting biofuel business, feedstock supply and utilization, developing the conducive business condition through fiscal and non-fiscal incentioves.
Paper was presented in the International Workshop on Jatropha Curcas Biodiesel Industry in Hainan China, 29-31 October 2007